My Term 1 and 2 goals
Indoor goals
By Gauri
1.I would like to get better at spelling so I can publish storys in my google doc’s.I will achieve this by asking my family if thay can ask my hard words.
2.I want to lern how to tell time using a analog clock.
I will do this by practicing during the week and get mum to quiz me.Also put a chart on the bathroom door.
3.I would like to learn to minus fractions.
I will achieve that by asking my older brother if he could write questions paper then help me edit.
Outdoors Goals
1.I would like to get better at swimming so when I get in the pool don’t panic.
I will achieve this by wearing or holding a life jacket or something that can float.And trust the water. 2.I would like to get faster at running so I can get into cluster running.
I will achieve this by running round the block at home and at lunch times I will do 2 laps around the field.